Word Stress Patterns
Every English word has a stress pattern. Using the correct pattern is ever more important than using the correct sounds.
Strees rules
1. Stress rule for Two syllable words, execpt for Verbs, two- syllable words usually stressed on the first syllable
Lemon Jacket Older
In names :
Susan Allen Kevin
2. Stress in words that end in -tion, -sion, and -cian.
Remember all of these endings are pronounced /sen/
Examples :
Reduction Electrician Participation
Musician Complication Examination
Correction Occupation Administration
The stressed syllable comes just before the -tion/ -sion/ or cian/
3. Stress in words that end in -ic and -ical
Atlantic Robotic
Electric Narcotic
Domestic Statistic
- Come just the stressed before the -ic and -ical
- The stressed syllable on the Noun is in the first syllable and in the Verb in the last syllable.
4. Pronuncing two clear vowels together
5. Stress in two-syllable nouns and verbs
Noun Verb
Record Record
Object Object
Permit Permit
Suspect Suspect
6. Stress in two- word verbs
Noun Verb
Setup Set up
Holdup Hold up
Lookup Look up
7. Stress in compound nouns
Practice with this dialogue your words stress
1. Look at the underlined words in the following dialogue. The stressed syllables are in bold.
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